Promoting Communities of Practice to advance knowledge, collaborative learning and institutional change on gender equality in the European Research Area
Consortium of eight scientific institutions in five countries around the Baltic Sea to work on reducing gender inequalities in Marine Science and Technology
CHANGE —CHAlleNging Gender (In)Equality in science and research aims to support research performing organisations (RPOs) to design and implement gender equality plans
EFFORTI (Evaluation Framework for Promoting Gender Equality in R&I) seeks to analyse and model the influence of measures to promote gender equality on research and innovation outputs and systems
EGERA intends to promote a full set of measures to achieve gender equality and fight gender-based stereotypes in research and the academia
Introducing structural changes to enhance gender equality in Information Sciences and Technology (IST) research institutions by developing and implementing tailored Gender Equality Plans (GEPs)
Targets the questioning and transformation of traditional gender roles at the micro, meso, and macro levels
Develop a reliable diversity measure that is sensitive to power, status and information sharing differentials within teams and across public & private organizations
Results of this project aimed at establishing tailor-made Gender Equality Plans in four European universities and to implement the gender dimension in two research funding organisations
Develop and implement a high-quality capacity-building programme on gender equality in research, innovation and higher education
Map and analyse Members States’ progress towards implementation of gender equality in R&I through national ERA action plans and strategies
Gender GAP in Science is a global approach to the gender gap in mathematical, computing, and natural sciences: How to measure it, how to reduce it?
Outputs of this project aiming at continuing, monitoring and improving the gender equality plans of research institutions and organisations, specifically in the physics research field.
GENOVATE Gender and Diversity Toolkit, to promote sustainable change through integration of gender equality and diversity perspectives in innovation systems.
Aims to build and promote excellence in life sciences throughout Europe. Their commitment to excellence is also a commitment to gender equality.
Aims to create and validate pilot experiences that disrupt gender-biased approaches and unconscious rules which limit participation by and careers for women in Research and Innovation.
GRRIP project is aimed at embedding Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) into the governance framework of five marine and maritime institutions, which include gender equality
Supports the implementation of Gender Equality Plans in Research Performing Organisations following a distinct methodological path committed to creative, open, mitigating, processual, accountable, SMART and sustainable changes (SPEAR’s COMPASS)
Implement six gender equality plans in 6 organizations from Southern and Central Europe, and help to tackle the barriers of implementing GEPs in research organizations
Contribute to the advancement of gender equality in research and innovation by addressing gender-related institutional barriers to careers, decision making and Research & Innovation and High Education curricula content