Project coordinator Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences (DISTAL)
Via Fanin 40, 40127 Bologna
UNIBO is the coordinator of PLOTINA Project. UNIBO is the leader of Work Packages “Project Management”, “Gender Assessment, GEPs Design and Lessons Learnt” and “Implementing GEPs: Gender-Aware Science”. UNIBO is task leader for “Identify and communicate with key actors and target groups”, and co-leaders with all RPOs for Tasks “Design a self-tailored Gender Equality Plan (GEP)” and “Formal approval of the GEP strategies”. Finally, UNIBO coordinates Tasks “National dissemination events: best practices and lessons from PLOTINA”, “Participation in open events and conferences”, “Synergies with EURAXESS and other similar initiatives” (co-leader with ELH KOM), and “PLOTINA final conference and public workshops to disseminate PLOTINA results” (co-leader with ELH KOM and WARWICK).
Coordinator: Tullia Gallina Toschi, Professor, President of the Committee of Equal Opportunity CUG
Project manager: Ilaria Carbone, Ph.D., European Research and Innovation office – Social Sciences, Humanities and Social Innovation Unit
Email 1: tullia.gallinatoschi(at)
Email 2: ilaria.carbone2(at)
Telephone: +39 0512096010