GARCIA thematic event
Ljubljana, 18 January 2017
PLOTINA was invited to present its activities at thematic event of the project GARCIA: Gendering the Academy and Research: combating Career Instability and Asymmetries.
The event was titled “Gender Equality in Science? Early Career Female Researchers”. Its aim was to discuss gender asymmetry in structural mechanisms and everyday practices in early stage researchers’ career. In addition, the event

Workshop on integrating sex/gender analysis in research and teaching at University of Warwick.
Professor Alison Rodger and Dr. Charikleia Tzanakou organised and delivered a Workshop on integrating sex/gender analysis in research and teaching at University of Warwick in January 11-13, 2017 as part of the PLOTINA Consortium meeting. This workshop was an introduction into sex/gender analysis methods in research raising disciplinary aspects of conducting research in various disciplinary environments.

GenPORT: an Internet portal for sharing knowledge and inspiring collaborative action on gender and science.
This online portal aims at:
Providing co-ordinated access to resources on gender, science, technology and innovation, Increasing their visibility, accessibility and usability by classifying and organising them according to stakeholders’ needs, Promoting exchange of experiences and COLLABORATION Making the portal and the community of practice sustainable for current and future users.On this portal, you can find different types of content: articles, policy documents, toolkits,

One of the first action of the project was to agree definitions on Gender Equality, Work-Life Balance and Culture to ensure that all partners have a similar ‘working’ language with a common understanding of the concepts within the PLOTINA project.
The methodology and the agreed definitions of te above cited concepts can all be found in the Deliverable 3.1, ready for

Press release
In the European Union, gender balance has been achieved amongst PhD Graduates. Indeed, in 2012, women made up 40% to 60% of PhD Graduates in every European country. However, the under-representation of women in research positions and senior academic ranks is still persistent. In 2011, women in the EU accounted for only

The 9th Gender Summit Edition
This document illustrates the overall objective, the workpackages and the tools of the PLOTINA Project. It contains an explanation of the first case study on gendered research on food. Together with a poster, it was used to present the project during the Gender Summit on 8/9 November in Brussels. The Gender Summit is a platform for dialogue between scientists, policy makers, gender scholars and key

Genovate international conference
Brussels, 3-4 November 2016
Plotina was present at the Genovate final Conference with three people: Plotina Coordinator Prof. Tullia Gallina Toschi, Susi Poli as member of the Audit Team, of Bologna University and Maria Mantini Satta of Centro Studi Progetto Donna e Diversity Mgmt.
The Genovate project sub title Transforming Organizational Culture for Gender Equality in Research and Innovation tells us that

The High Level Conference “Shift GEAR-Mainstreaming gender into academic and research organizations”.
(20 October in Brussels)
The European Commission and the European Institute for Gender Equality presented the GEAR Tool for Gender Equality in Academia at the High Level Conference “Shift GEAR-Mainstreaming gender into academic and research organizations”.
The main issues presented and discussed were about the three EC objective strategy on gender equality in research and innovation policy:
Fostering equality in scientific careers Ensuring gender