PLOTINA at European Researcher Night 2017
The PLOTINA Unibo Team, together with the Center for gender and education studies, have participated at the European Researcher Night 2017, with the PLOTINA GAME, a game focused on career good practices and role models for women, with pictures and history of women scientists, researcher and academics. Participants had to find the same pictures in two different decks of cards

The University of Bologna has published its Gender Equality Plan
The University of Bologna has published its Gender Equality Plan (GEP) that includes actions to “identify and implement innovative strategies to promote cultural change and equal opportunities in Universities and Research Centers” (European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE).
Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna has supported the formulation of the GEP in the context of the PLOTINA Project, referring also to

Conference “Frau trifft Alter” (Woman meets age)
On September 27, 2017, PLOTINA attended a conference on “Women meets Age: Health Between Rollers, Age and Invisibility” organized by the Vienna Women’s Health Program.
The interdisciplinary conference focused on the prevalence of negative age stereotypes and skeletal stereotypes as well as their effects on the health of women.
Women are “made old” by society at a young age. The devaluation of women

Integrating sex and gender in research and scientific journals
The PLOTINA workshop “Integrating Sex and Gender in Research and Scientific Journals” was held at the University of Bologna on September 11 and 12, 2017.
The workshop “Training the trainers in the Integration of Sex and Gender Variables in Research” took place on Monday 11th with the participation of Elizabeth Pollitzer, director of PORTIA Gender and Science.
On Tuesday 12th the workshop

STEM Gender Equality Congress (SGEC)
On June 8th and 9th, 2017, the STEM Gender Equality Congress was held in Berlin, which focuses on good case studies and important policy developments regarding gender equality in STEM.
This event provides an opportunity for networking and sharing practices with delegates on addressing the same challenges in towards advancement of gender equality in STEM. The PLOTINA Project was invited to

Gender Power
La carriera scientifica resta ancora una riserva maschile. Al sorpasso delle donne sugli uomini nell’istruzionenonè,infatti,seguitoquellonelleprofessioniaccademiche. Ma le storie di 10 alumnae Bocconi dimostrano che la strada è sempre meno in salita.
Sin dall’antichità molte donne si sono occupate di scien- za, ma sono state per un lungo periodo delle eccezioni e le loro vite paragonabili a quelle di eroine mitiche. Una
International Women’s day event- Warwick Medical School
Dr. Charikleia Tzanakou was invited for a talk on the International Women’s Day at Warwick Medical School. Dr.Tzanakou presented the PLOTINA Project as part of her talk while she highlighted the importance of integrating sex/gender analysis in medical research and teaching curricula.

Gender equality in higher education: a view from a social scientist
Dr. Charikleia Tzanakou was invited to contribute a blog from the Women in High Performance Computing (WHPC) Network. Her blog provides a social science perspective on gender equality in higher education. You can read her blog here.

On January 30, 2017, the Unit of Women’s Studies and Problems in Academia, which is a branch of the Council of Higher Education (CoHE) in Turkey, held a meeting in Ankara titled “Convention of Women’s Studies Centers in Universities.” As the PLOTINA team at Özyeğin University (OzU), we attended this convention which was primarily aimed at evaluating the plans and