GENERA workshop for experts and practitioners
On January 22 and 23, 2018, PLOTINA attended at Kings College London the Network Meeting for experts and practitioners of GENERA project, the Gender Equality Network in the European Research Area.
The aim of the Workshop is to discuss up-to-date evidence and best practice for GEP design and implementation in physics research organisations and to establish the genera network as a

Sharing experiences of the first year of implementing Gender Equality Plans in Research Performing Organisations
The PLOTINA Project Istanbul meeting was held at the Özyeğin University from January 10 to 12, 2018.
On Wednesday 10th the workshop on Monitoring and Evaluation presented by Maria Schwarz-Woelzl from ZSI was held. Its purpose was to discuss the lessons learned from the data collection and insertion into the Gender Equality Plans (GEP), and anticipate the upcoming steps.
On Thursday 11th

PLOTINA project video
PLOTINA Project promotional video.
The approach of PLOTINA project is to simplify the process to perform a gender audit and to approve a gender equality plan in universities and research performing organizations. Gender equality plans can identify some of the barriers and obstacles and can help identify ways to overcome those. It is important not only to belief in gender equity

Seminar at the Mondragon University to raise awareness about equality
Throughout the morning 34 people belonging to the Governing Councils, Management Boards and Equality Teams of the 4 faculties that make up the Mondragon University participated in a working session on equality guided by Elhuyar.
During this session an explanation was provided on the nature of the PLOTINA project, which they are participating in, the data extracted from the diagnosis made

PLOTINA video: Why is it important to have a Gender Equality Plan?
There are some harmful gender norms in the society that create barriers for men as well as women, but most for women to advance in their carriers, to fulfil their potentials, and a gender equality plan can identify some of those barriers and obstacles, and identify ways to overcome those. A gender equality plan organizes the process of change, and

The PLOTINA working Lexicon has been updated and published
Definitions on Gender Equality, Work-Personal Life Integration and Culture have been agreed to ensure that all partners have a similar ‘working’ language with a common understanding of the concepts within the PLOTINA project. The following lexicon includes concepts the defining of which is important for the purposes of this project. It is not intended to be a comprehensive dictionary for

Gender in Physics Day (GiPD)
On October 23 and 24, 2017, a Gender in Physics Day (GiPD) took place in La Laguna, Tenerife, organized by the GENERA project.
The aim of the Gender-in-Physics Days is to analyse the implementation of innovative activities towards gender equality identifying gaps, barriers, as well as best practices. These events pursue the goal of gender equality in Research Performing Organizations and Research

PLOTINA video: Why is it important to include a gender dimension in scientific research?
Gender is such an important component that influences so many things in our life: our health, our wellbeing, our opportunities… so that is why it is so important to also really study gender in the research as well. It hasn’t been systematically done in the past. And one of the problems is that it is not about counting the number

Promoting and supporting gender equality in research and academia: the work of EIGE
On 26 – 27 September, EIGE met with gender equality stakeholders in Ljubljana to support the advancement of gender equality. EIGE presented its methods and tools that Slovenian colleagues could use to monitor & progress gender equality, such as the Gender Equality Index, Gender Statistics Database and Gender Mainstreaming Platform.
There was also a presentation of Plotina Project in the event.