Progress by the MU-Mondragon University in Gender Equality
During 2018 the Plotina RPO partner Mondragon University has achieved several advances in Gender Equality, including internal regulation changes, new protocols, training and awareness-raising initiatives.
The first training course for everyone involved in recruitment processes at the MU took place on 31/05/2018 and was very successful. The 26 participants provided very positive feedback about the course, giving a score of 4.7 (out of

PLOTINA Summer School: How to be a peer reviewer
The PLOTINA Summer School on How to be a Peer Reviewer took place at the University of Warwick, 10-14th of September 2018. The Summer School targeted PhD candidates and early career researchers and we had an overwhelming response with 70 participants registering for this event.
The objectives of the Summer School were: to understand what different review processes entail (e.g. article reviews, funding

PLOTINA Summer School at the University of Warwick
The PLOTINA Summer School on How to be a Peer Reviewer took place at the University of Warwick, 10-14th of September 2018. The Summer School targeted PhD candidates and early career researchers and we had an overwhelming response with 70 participants registering for this event.
The objectives of the Summer School were: to understand what different review processes entail

Contrasting gender biases in the evaluation and recruitment of professors and researchers
The evaluation, selection and recruitment processes should follow objectivity, fairness and transparency criteria in each Research Performing Organization (RPO). Evaluation commissions should base their decisions only on quality and must guarantee the equal treatment to all candidates/applicants, irrespective of sex and gender, nationality and ethnicity, sexual orientations, religion and disabilities. The Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna (UNIBO) aims at promoting

Still a young woman on the top of sensory research
Camilla Cattaneo, PhD student in Food Systems at University of Milan (tutor: Ella Pagliarini), has been selected as the Awardee of the Sensory Sciences Scholarship (15000 $) for the academic year of 2018/2019. Applicants for the scholarship must be enrolled in a PhD. Program such as Food Science, Nutrition, Psychology or Physiology. The planned or on-going dissertation research must be on a

Özyeğin University has published its Gender Equality Plan
Özyeğin University has published its Gender Equality Plan (GEP), and has supported its formulation in the context of its commitment to the Agenda 2030 issued by the United Nations to contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development.
The GEP includes actions to reach the previous objectives and responds to the guidelines of the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) as it aims to

PLOTINA video: PLOTINA Monitoring Tool Tutorial Video
We have produced a tutorial video for the PLOTINA Monitoring Tool. Check it out, it will support you on your journey in monitoring and evaluating your GEP’s progress.
It is based on 10 core indicators, and 40 specific indicators which can be selected according to your self-tailored GEP’ focus – the indicators have been developed and intensively tested by six RPOs. You can however

PLOTINA at the 2018 Gender Summit
The 2018 Gender Summit (GS15) meeting was held on 18-19 June in London. It was 15th in the series and the first for London. Like previous events it wasled by influential science institutions, with the Science and Engineering South Consortium of leading universities as the principal partner.
The 2-day programme was organised under the theme “United in Science and through Science”, and

Internal training seminars on the use of the sex and gender variables in research in the University of Bologna
As for the previous academic year, for the 2017/18 the PLOTINA UNIBO team has organized two internal training seminars on the use of the sex and gender variables in research. The first seminar will be held at the Faculty of Law on the 14th of June. The second seminar will be held in the Faculty of Management on the 3th of