ISEG: iGen Forum
The Lisbon School of Economics and Management (ISEG) Universidade de Lisboa presents the iGen Forum, the Gender Equality Forum assumed by 68 Portugese organisations, including private forums, public institutions and organisations from the social sector.
These organisations assume a common commitment to assure the gender equality inside the organisations, to incorporate the gender equality inside them.
For ISEG it is very important

Gender equality and mainstreaming seminar with academic managers at Özyeğin University
On March 6, 2019, ÖzU PLOTINA Team organized a gender equality seminar for the Deans, School Directors and Vice Rectors of Özyeğin University. This three-hour-long seminar was developed and given by Prof. Yıldız Ecevit who is one of the founding members of KA.DER (Association to Support Women Candidates in Elections), KEİG (Women’s Labor and Employment Initiative). Between 1996-2017, Prof. Ecevit

Best practices from the PLOTINA GEP, University of Warwick: Holiday Play Scheme
The University of Warwick shows some good practices they have developed and adopted on their own institution.
This video highlights the Holiday Play Scheme, an scheme that enables staff with caring responsabilities to fully develop their work when otherwise they would have no access to child care. It provides a context for children (5-14 years old) to be occupied in different

Best practices from the PLOTINA GEP, University of Warwick: Conference Care Fund
The University of Warwick shows some good practices they have developed and adopted on their own institution.
This video highlights the Conference Care Fund, a fund for those academics with caring responsabilities, that allow them the opportunity to attend conferences. The financial support is to support care, so they can go and share their expertise and knowledge, what is also great

Science or family? Do we really need to choose?
At this year’s International Women’s Day on March 8th, NIC organized a round table entitled “Science or family? Should we really choose? ‘. The table was focussed around the question of what obstacles – and also perhaps myths – researchers encounter at different stages of their research career. In this context, we were particularly interested in whether it is possible

National Institute of Chemistry presented the implementation of its Gender Equality Plan
March 7th 2019, at the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of Slovenia, in the organisation of the Commission for Equal Opportunities in Science, National Institute of Chemistry (NIC) presented the implementation of its Gender Equality Plan. NIC presented the measures taken in the field of gender mainstreaming in research, reconciliation of domestic work and work, recruitment, career advancement and

#RI#VOL#U#AZIONE for the 8th March

PLOTINA Seminar on “Gender in Research and Development” at Özyeğin University’s Sectoral Orienteering Event
The 9th annual Özyeğin University Sectoral Orienteering (SO), one of the flagship events organized by the ÖzU Sectoral Education and Professional Development team, took place between 25 February – 1 March, 2019 at the Çekmeköy Campus.
The event brought together the leading names of the business world with ÖzU students around many different activities such as sectoral talks,

PLOTINA at the ACT Conference in Brussels
PLOTINA was invited to ACT 1st International Synergy Conference on 25th February 2019 in Brussels and Maria Mantini Satta for Progetto Donna Italy and Mojca Dusica Zajc for National Chemistry Institute of Slovenia have taken part to the Conference and given their contribution to the consultation sessions on the initial Community of Practice setups and support scenarios.
ACT is a Horizon