PLOTINA project video
PLOTINA Project promotional video.
The approach of PLOTINA project is to simplify the process to perform a gender audit and to approve a gender equality plan in universities and research performing organizations. Gender equality plans can identify some of the barriers and obstacles and can help identify ways to overcome those. It is important not only to belief in gender equity

Tullia Gallina Toschi about PLOTINA and SDG 5
Prof. Tullia Gallina Toschi, from the University of Bologna and the PLOTINA project coordinator, talks about Sustainable Development Goals and the chance to achieve a new future, related to the PLOTINA project.
She highlights that gender equality is a primary element of integration but that it is far from being guaranteed, and must be constantly watched and measured. It remains a

Özyeğin University honoured with the “Universities Contributing to Gender Equality” Award
Turkey’s Women Leaders Award Ceremony, organized by Dünya Newspaper in strategic partnership with the Center for Gender Studies at Koc University (KOC-KAM), was held on March 1, 2021. Özyeğin University was honoured with the “Universities Contributing to Gender Equality” Award in recognition of its Gender Equality Plan.
Özyeğin University received the award in the “Universities Contributing to Gender Equality” category in

STEM fields and the Gender aspects by GEECCO
PLOTINA’s sister project GEECCO has produced videos about various STEM fields and the Gender aspects there. The videos can be used for teaching and for a first orientation for researchers, funding agencies, jury members and politicians.
Energy for all
How can a just energy transition succeed in which no people are disadvantaged? And what does gender have to do with it?
Video: https://youtu.be/aAuBRxmAVtU
Mobility for

Joint Twitter campaign about the importance of Gender Equality Plans
On September 22, between 5 and 6 pm, PLOTINA participated in a joint Twitter campaign to raise awareness about the importance of Gender Equality Plans (GEPs). As sister project of GEARING ROLES, PLOTINA helped creating a moment of visible support of GEPs as an important tool for achieving gender equality in R&I. PLOTINA tweeted about why GEPs are necessary, using the hashtags #RiDaysEU #ERA4Equality

PLOTINA highlighted in the SWAFS achievements and recommendations report 2020 of the EC
The SWAFS (science with and for society) programme of the European Commission has recently published its SWAFS achievements and recommendations report 2020 and the SWAFS report 2020 Gender equality, were a paragraph is devoted to PLOTINA project. The objective of this report is to convey the Horizon 2020 achievements of SWAFS to serve as input for DG Research and

The University of Bologna publishes the Gender Equality Report of 2019
The University of Bologna has published the Gender Equality Annual Report related to 2019. The Rector of the University, Francesco Ubertini, highlights that the UGII (University Gender Inequality Index), which measures the progress of gender equality within the university, shows a slight improvement. However, he is concerned about the big amount of aspects that are unsolved related to gender equality.

Second (last) day of PLOTINA Final Conference
The second day of the Final Conference “Regendering Science. For an inclusive research environment” of the H2020 project “PLOTINA. Promoting gender balance and inclusion in research, innovation an training” was spent in the same friendly atmosphere that prevailed yesterday: the camaraderie among the attendees was evident, and the interesting reflections made in the sessions that made up the day

PLOTINA Final Conference started
The H2020 project “PLOTINA. Promoting gender balance and inclusion in research, innovation an training” is coming to its end, and it is holding its Final Conference, “Regendering Science. For an inclusive research environment”. The Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences at Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna is hosting the two days Final Conference, where 110 people from several European countries,

Özyeğin University at three gender equality events
Özyeğin University (ÖzU) hosted a panel titled “Science, engineering, gender”
On December 5, 2019, ÖzU’s Gender Equality Unit and the PLOTINA Team organized a panel titled “Science, Engineering, Gender,” which focused on the current gender-related issues in positive sciences and engineering. The panelists discussed questions such as gender inequalities in their own fields, what universities could do to overcome these problems and how gender could be integrated into