Senior management support

Well-equiped and well-located gender equality body
Cooperation among different categories of stakeholder
Stakeholder involvement in planning and implementation
Clear targets and objectives
Flexibility and resilience
Competence development
Availability of sex-dissaggregated data
Embedding into existing structures and management procedures
Monitoring instruments
The implementation of the equality plan must be accompanied by a tracking calendar. This track should be done in the form of regular meetings, where the GEP Team would have these tasks:
- To check the state of planned measures/ initiatives
- To asses the responsible person, and provide them with tools, materials or guides on the initiative they will start developing.
- To asses in re-planning the GEP, if needed.
- To help thinking on alternative straegies if non-expected resistances or obstacles arise.
At the final stages of the project, we did a collective reflection about the keys to success and the main difficulties we found in our journeys since the beginning of the project. It was very clarifying to see that most of the RPOs highlighted similar ideas or experiences, and these lessons learnt could be useful to other RPOs in the same situation. The following pictures sum up the reflection we did sharing our experiences in our last meeting in Ljubljana: