Creating an information and advice resource (e.g. desk) for the integration of work and personal life

Problem (evidence)

Gender audit showed that staff communicated work-life integration issues to the HR Unit which had no member or sub-unit specifically specialized in analysing such questions.


To make sure that all concerns of staff about the integration of work with family and personal life are communicated to the top administration, analysed and solved. 

To provide all staff members with guidance and information about the work-life integration services and measures they can use. To address existing shortcomings and problems so that no staff member feels the need to leave the institution because of them.

Brief outcomes

Questions or problems regarding work-life integration measures and services will be analysed and reported on a regular basis to the university administration. 

Key area

Work and personal life integration

Type of action

Availability of supports/resources


Özyeğin Üniversitesi
Higher education institution

Action level of implementation

Researchers/professors and technical and administrative staff


The GE Unit has been defined as a body that will work with the HR Unit and function as a desk dealing with work-life integration issues that staff members might have. It will report these issues to OzU’s high administration.  

Tips/strategies – Lessons learnt

  • Be clear about the aims of the committee, who it reports to and what is its responsibilities. 
  • Due to diverse membership, allocate time in initial meetings to agree definitions and what is meant when we talk about gender, sex, gender equality and state of art research 

More detailed Outcomes/Impact

To improve existing work-life integration support structures and measures.