Providing staff with Guides and Workshops on integration of equality and diversity in curriculum design, learning activities and/or program of study, as a teaching and learning support

Problem (evidence)

Research carried out in MU does not take into account the sex/gender variables in a controlled way.


The objective is to include sex and gender variables in different disciplines and fields of research, taking into account that these variables affect and alter the process and consequences of research.


Time of an appropriately skilled person to create an online platform space for an online course to address training staff on how to integrate equality and diversity in curriculum design, learning, and programs of study.

Budget allocated to hire an external learning and teaching gender expert to develop the material.

Brief outcomes

Increased awareness of the relevance and meaning of a gender approach in research; increased practice.

20 PhD students and researchers from different faculties attended the online course.

26 lecturers and researchers now have the knowledge of how to include sex and gender variables in research. 

People from the academic committee were very positive about the proposal.

Key area

Integration of sex and gender dimension in teaching curricula

Type of action



Mondragon Unibertsitatea
Higher education institution

Action level of implementation

Departments, staff, students


Capitolina Diaz, researcher at the University of Valencia, advised us on the process. A 4 hours seminar was held on the 12th of February 2019 for researchers and an online course was offered to 20 PhD students and MU researchers on how to include these variables in the research they are carrying out. Subsequently, they received individualized advice from the expert to introduce these variables in their doctorates.


Researchers may not see the importance or need of inserting gender/sex variables into their research.

Coping strategies

Training sessions and easy to use guides on why and how to include sex and gender variables in research projects.

Tips/strategies – Lessons learnt

It would be helpful to create short videos about the integration sex and gender in research to raise awareness.

More detailed Outcomes/Impact

The course will be repeated every year and will be included in the new PhD programme.

This course will be offered every year until all the lecturers have received it.