#RI#VOL1552011300#AZIONE for the 8th March
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Date(s) - 08/03/2019
2:15 am
University of Bologna
On the occasion of the 8th March, UNIBO has organized a conference on gender equality, focusing on the Gender Equality Plan’s actions implemented thanks to the collaboration between the PLOTINA Project and the Guarantee Committee for Equal Opportunities (GUG). The conference, titled “#RI#VOL#U#AZIONE: Le pari opportunità per costruire il futuro, le azioni dell’università di bologna come leve di cambiamento” , will start at 14:15 in Aula M (complesso Belmeloro, Andreatta street, n.8).
To register and have more info see:https://www.unibo.it/it/ ateneo/organizzazione/organi/ cug/iniziative-del-cug
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