At the beginning of the planning phase of the GEP, a list of measures or strategies should be defined, which will be the actions, policies or processes that a given RPO has chosen to carry out in its organization in order to prevent and overcome inequalities and gender bias.
The organizations can choose their own actions from a complete list of actions PLOTINA RPO partners have prepared to support all other RPOs in their choice, divided into the 5 Key Areas, and subdivided according to specific objectives to be achieved within each key area. It presents the many strategies/measures that can be adopted in order to reach gender equality.
Additionally, some of the actions have been classified as good practice by PLOTINA RPOs, and an extense information sheet has been developed for each of them. They can be found by clicking on the links some of the actions at the table have.
Finally, find below the button to download an excel document to design your own GEP, create the annual work plans, do the follow-up of the implementation and gather qualitative results of the implemented actions: