Diagnosis survey: support for work and personal life integration

Main aim of the action

To get a better understanding of staff perceptions about their needs in integrating work and personal life (including commitments and duties which faculties and administrative staff may have).

Expected impact

To design a Work and Personal Life Integration plan as part of the GEP which will address perceived needs of ISEG staff.


A diagnosis survey was carried out in December 2017. Anonymous data was collected by a questionnaire (paper based) during the annual Christmas Fest of the RPO (16.12.2017). The short survey was structured in the following way:  a very brief presentation of survey goal/and PLOTINA goal, request of opinions (in a Likert scale) about Work and Personal Life Integration and some demographic information from the respondent and an open question about comments and suggestions. A translation of the one page survey can be made available to the deliverable as well as the statistics of the results and respondent main characteristics. A total of 41 responses were received in 16.12.2017. Additional answers can be collected using the same instrument. The sample (N=41) has a bias because is dominated by the respondents who have children younger than 14 years old who are the target of the Christmas Fest. The survey was developed, conducted and analysed by the PLOTINA team. The survey results will be communicated to the academic and administrative staff and they will have the opportunity to evaluate how the changes match their needs for Work and Personal Life Integration.

Resources/skills/incentives required

Human resources for collecting and analysing the data. Software for processing the results.


Some information about the private life cannot be obtained directly by the employers from the employees given the national laws regulating the right to respect for private and family life.


The survey was a paper survey distributed to all the staff who attended the event inside the RPO.


41 responses were received in 16 December. Additional answers could be collected. Similar surveys (similar topic, different questions) be conducted on a regular basis for an on-going evaluation of the actions. We collected original information not available in other sources. The survey was useful in promoting information about the PLOTINA project and the GEP within the RPO. The survey has the potential to be embedded in the faculty and become a sustainable practice since it collects useful information on actual needs and opinions of the beneficiaries.

Lessons learnt/transferability/reflection

The same survey can be replicated in other UNIVERSIDADE DE LISBOA Faculties (ISEG + 17 other Faculties). In the future, the ISEG community will be contacted one week before the launch of the survey to communicate the results from the previous survey and the goals fulfilled.

Key area

Work and personal life integration

Type of action

Data gathering and analysis


Lisbon School of Economics and Management (ISEG)
Higher education institution

Action level of implementation

All RPO community with a focus on those with commitments and duties of relatives (ascending and descending relatives for example)