Reviewing the work and personal life integration measures that exist in the organization, analysing the use women and men make of them, how measures could be improved and what other needs workers might have to improve or propose new measures

Problem (evidence)

In the last staff satisfaction survey carried out in 2017 it was apparent that high workload of staff affected their work and personal life integration.


To improve the integration of work and personal life measures which exist nowadays in the University.


Time allocation to design and analyse a survey and design the measures. Economic resources to implement the new measures. Annual financial and human resources to continue implementing the new measures.

Brief outcomes

66 people from the Faculty of Engineering filled in the questionnaire about Gender Equality. 92 men, 72 women, and 2 other. All 375 members of the Faculty of Engineering will benefit from it.

We now have the necessary evidence to support the new measures proposed in relation to work and personal life integration: 33% of the respondents think that the measures are enough, 38% think that they are not enough, and 29% don’t know what measures we have.

Key area

Work and personal life integration

Type of action

Data gathering and analysis


Mondragon Unibertsitatea
Higher education institution

Action level of implementation

Researchers/professors and technical and administrative staff, students


The MU-PLOTINA team analysed the current work-personal life measures in the different faculties. A survey to understand the real needs of the staff was designed and analysed with gender experts. The survey has been carried out in April 2019 and the results were presented in the annual Gender Equality report. New measures will be proposed as a result to the general coordination team by the Gender Equality team with the support of the Social Board.


Some people think that presenteeism (to be present) is very important in the university activities. The culture of long working hours is another challenge.

Coping strategies

To convince the key actors to communicate the importance of work-personal life integration for the improvement of quality and efficiency.

Reflection/What we would do differently

In the survey handed-out, we asked staff members to propose new measures regarding work and personal-life integration. It would have been useful to have included some examples ourselves to generate more ideas and use the survey as a pedagogical tool.