Providing students with specific courses relevant to sex/ gender in their study curricula

Problem (evidence)

There were no courses available to MU students on gender equality and sex and gender relevance to research was not included in their curricula.


The objective was to introduce equality and sex and gender variables in the contents of modules taught by MU.


External expertise and time of the lecturers to adapt their subjects.

Creation of a short guide.

Budget allocated for the design and running of the courses.

Brief outcomes

An agreement was reached to create a short guide and organize specific courses for those lecturers who are able to include sex and gender variables in their subjects and budget was allocated to do so in this academic year. A team of lecturers are already working on adaptation of the courses they lead to include gender and sex variables.

Key area

Integration of sex and gender dimension in teaching curricula

Type of action



Mondragon Unibertsitatea
Higher education institution

Action level of implementation

Departments, staff, students


We proposed different ways of including the gender perspective (such as in the transversal/combining courses, in the orientation weeks) in the curriculum to the Academic Committee and selected the most interesting ones for the following academic year to forecast a budget in the Management Plan.

An agreement was reached to create a short guide and organize specific courses for those lecturers who have to include sex and gender variables in their subjects and budget was allocated to do so in this academic year. 

The academic committee agreed to include these courses in all undergraduate degrees, masters and PhD programmes.


Some lecturers and students struggle to see the relevance of gender to their work.

Coping strategies

Training courses on gender perspective to increase gender equality awareness.

Tips/strategies – Lessons learnt

It could be useful to incorporate this short course in transversal/combining courses that are offered in all degrees before incorporating it to more specific programmes.

More detailed Outcomes/Impact

All MU students will have greater awareness of how to include sex and gender variables in their work.

Unintended consequences

The Academic Committee was much more positive than expected and decided to include the courses in all degrees offered instead of specific programmes.