The aim of this action is that every person at MU is gender competent regardless of its position in the organisation.
Promotion of initiatives to favour a widespread gender competence at all levels of the organization with provision of training to staff, teachers and researchers
Main aim of the action
Expected impact/outcome
Every person at MU is aware of the gender perspective
The MU Plotina team organized a series of training activities aimed at all levels of the organization. Firstly, a course was organised to raise awareness about gender equality and to present the most important areas of the PLOTINA project aimed at the members of the governing bodies. This first course was organized in the Faculty of Engineering of MU on November 14, 2017. 33 people from the Governing Board and the Management Teams of the four MU faculties attended. The evaluations of the course were positive, in particular the relevance of the topic which was given a score of 5 out of 5 by 75% of the participants.
The second training course was aimed at the members of the Governing Bodies, and also to the coordinators of the different knowledge areas of the 4 faculties of MU. It was held on May 31st in the Faculty of Engineering with a duration of 4 hours. In this case, the objective was to broaden their knowledge regarding the gender perspective. The evaluation was very positive, in particular the interest of the topic and the speaker, Amelia Barquín, to whom 85% of the participants gave the highest score.
The third course that was organized was integrated into the welcome training courses that are compulsory for people who join the Faculty of Engineering. This training course will be held on February 22, 2019 and will have a duration of 4 hours. In the first hour the existence of a Gender Equality Unit and a Gender Equality Plan in the university will be explained to the new workers. Amelia Barquín will explain the gender perspective in the remaining 3 hours of the course. This course will be repeated every year for people who join the faculty for the first time.
The same course will be repeated in the Spring and will be open to all university staff members.
Lessons learnt/transferability/reflection
It is believed that it is appropriate to repeat year after year the four-hour format of the course organised in May to ensure that all university staff have sufficient knowledge of the gender perspective. The challenge of condensing a complex topic into 4 hours is difficult, but in this way we can ensure that more people attend the courses. We are also considering its inclusion in the curricula of the different degrees, but this is part of action 5.1.2.
It can be said that the first training sessions have been satisfactory. Despite the difficulties on the agendas, people responded with interest to these initiatives. The courses are valued in a positive way so they will be repeated in the next academic years.
Key area
The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers
Type of action
Mondragon Unibertsitatea (MU)
Higher education institution
Action level of implementation
Researchers/professors and technical and administrative staff, students