PLOTINA Final Conference started
The H2020 project “PLOTINA. Promoting gender balance and inclusion in research, innovation an training” is coming to its end, and it is holding its Final Conference, “Regendering Science. For an inclusive research environment”. The Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences at Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna is hosting the two days Final Conference, where 110 people from several European countries, inlcuding academics, policy-makers and representatives of NGOs to discuss the issue of the promotion of gender equality within Research Performing Organizations, gathered to learn about the results of the project as well as to share knowledge and experiences related to gender equality in research and research organizations.

The two days conference are organized in plenary and parallel sessions. The first ones will be dedicated to the presentation of the project outcomes, as well as to the presentations of keynote and invited speakers. The parallel sessions will be devoted to the topics specifically addressed by the Consortium during the implementation of the project: participants will share case studies, experiences and good practices in the following domains:
1. Structural and cultural change: Gender Equality Plans and efforts
2. The inclusion of the sex / gender variables in research
3. The inclusion of the sex / gender variables and of gender equality issues in teaching curricula
4. Measuring Gender Equality in Organizations. Gender Report: indicators and monitoring tools
For more details and images, visit the Final Conference page
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