PLOTINA WINTER SCHOOL: The Road from Reviewer to Editor in Food Science and Agriculture Journals
This five-day school will acquaint participants with the roles and tasks of reviewers and editors of Food Science and Agriculture journals. Best practices in scientific publishing will be examined to initiate critical discussion around the question “Why are we publishing in food science and agriculture journals in the first place?”. Starting with an overview of the skills and tools that help authors publish their own papers in high-impact-factor journals, to mastering the art of reviewing papers by peers in the same field, we will move towards strategies that work for integrating the editorial board of high-quality scientific journals, and beyond. Using PLOTINA expertise in this field, we will discuss the inclusion of sex and gender variables in journal Guides for Authors and calls for papers issued by the scientific journals, with the twofold aim enhancing research quality and researcher commitment to gender equality. Practical exercises and expert interventions from invited journal editors are included in this course. The winter school is a 4 ECTS school that will take place in the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences (Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna).
Program (download in pdf format)
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