PLOTINA Summer School: How to be a peer reviewer
The PLOTINA Summer School on How to be a Peer Reviewer took place at the University of Warwick, 10-14th of September 2018. The Summer School targeted PhD candidates and early career researchers and we had an overwhelming response with 70 participants registering for this event.
The objectives of the Summer School were: to understand what different review processes entail (e.g. article reviews, funding proposals); learn how to be a constructive and effective reviewer; learn about important aspects of reviewing, including biases in knowledge production and sex/gender considerations and learn how to respond to reviewers.
We were privileged to host an impressive line of speakers from various academic departments, from publishing houses and journals in natural sciences and social sciences.
We received fantastic feedback from the participants of the summer school who enjoyed and participated enthusiastically.
You can find out more about the PLOTINA Summer School here.
The University of Warwick wanted to share the lessons learned in the organization of this course. You can find them here.
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