LIBRARY OF ACTIONS on recruitment, career progression and retention

Complete list of actions on this key area

KEY AREASObjectivesActions
KA2 - Recruitment, career progression and retention2.1. Ensure that every person involved in the recruitment process is aware of gender-issues, discrimination and stereotypesDeveloping gender awareness initiatives, briefings or guidelines for recruitment and appointment of Recruitment Committee/panel members
KA2 - Recruitment, career progression and retention2.1. Ensure that every person involved in the recruitment process is aware of gender-issues, discrimination and stereotypesOrganizing a workshop to enhance transparency about the selection/promotion process and the criteria for promotion
KA2 - Recruitment, career progression and retention2.1. Ensure that every person involved in the recruitment process is aware of gender-issues, discrimination and stereotypesTraining the members of selection and promotion committees regarding gender bias, inclusive recruitment and promotion procedures
KA2 - Recruitment, career progression and retention2.2. Promote gender inclusive and bias free recruitment, career progression, retention and evaluation policy in the institution Requiring a justification for single-gender presence in the different recruitment phases
KA2 - Recruitment, career progression and retention2.2. Promote gender inclusive and bias free recruitment, career progression, retention and evaluation policy in the institution Creating a Gender Balance Committee with the aim to eliminate gender bias from the recruitment process
KA2 - Recruitment, career progression and retention2.2. Promote gender inclusive and bias free recruitment, career progression, retention and evaluation policy in the institution Promoting gender balance in all Recruitment Committees with the aim of reaching a 40-60 balance
KA2 - Recruitment, career progression and retention2.2. Promote gender inclusive and bias free recruitment, career progression, retention and evaluation policy in the institution Developing and communicating a guide on biases that might affect recruitment, evaluation and promotion committees
KA2 - Recruitment, career progression and retention2.2. Promote gender inclusive and bias free recruitment, career progression, retention and evaluation policy in the institution Developing explicit, transparent, unbiased and published criteria for the entire recruitment process, weighted in a transparent way
KA2 - Recruitment, career progression and retention2.2. Promote gender inclusive and bias free recruitment, career progression, retention and evaluation policy in the institution Including gender balance as a criterion, every other conditions being equal, for selection, promotion and research funding allocation
KA2 - Recruitment, career progression and retention2.2. Promote gender inclusive and bias free recruitment, career progression, retention and evaluation policy in the institution Taking maternity, paternity and parental leave periods into consideration when assessing and evaluating Research output for recruitment and promotion decisions
KA2 - Recruitment, career progression and retention2.3. Understand more deeply the multiple gender bias that happen in the recruitment, career progression and retention processes Reviewing the recruitment and promotion process for identification of potential gender bias
KA2 - Recruitment, career progression and retention2.3. Understand more deeply the multiple gender bias that happen in the recruitment, career progression and retention processes Developing an exit questionnaire for staff in order to help the understanding of reasons for leaving the organization from a gender perspective
KA2 - Recruitment, career progression and retention2.3. Understand more deeply the multiple gender bias that happen in the recruitment, career progression and retention processes Analysing the eligibility criteria for grant applications, to identify the sources of possible bias and to prevent discrimination
KA2 - Recruitment, career progression and retention2.3. Understand more deeply the multiple gender bias that happen in the recruitment, career progression and retention processes Reviewing recruitment/promotion criteria to include not only metrics but other aspects as well, as for ex. team working, effective collaboration, mentoring/empowering of colleagues and collegiality
KA2 - Recruitment, career progression and retention2.3. Understand more deeply the multiple gender bias that happen in the recruitment, career progression and retention processes Analysing and reporting regularly internally and externally data comparison about pay and benefits
KA2 - Recruitment, career progression and retention2.4. Ensure all women in the institution are empowered from a gender perspective Enhancing visibility of female role models (for representation, chairing meetings, keynote speaking at a conference, sharing career good practices, communicating and disseminating role models for women, etc.)
Mondragon University experience
Kemijski Inštitut, National Institute of Chemistry experience
KA2 - Recruitment, career progression and retention2.4. Ensure all women in the institution are empowered from a gender perspective Developing communication campaigns to enhance women's contribution to research
KA2 - Recruitment, career progression and retention2.4. Ensure all women in the institution are empowered from a gender perspective Organising empowering activities for early career researchers and offering them training to increase their leadership skills.
KA2 - Recruitment, career progression and retention2.4. Ensure all women in the institution are empowered from a gender perspective Launching induction and/or mentoring initiatives for newly hired faculty member to gain valuable insight from a small group of senior faculty members
KA2 - Recruitment, career progression and retention2.4. Ensure all women in the institution are empowered from a gender perspective Offering mentoring and empowerment courses to improve visibility, self-confidence, negotiating and leadership skills, particularly dedicated to the underrepresented gender
KA2 - Recruitment, career progression and retention2.5. Promote initiatives to support the career progression of the underrepresented gender in high and top positions Creating a Gender Balance Committee with the aim to monitor women's career progression and attract female scientists
KA2 - Recruitment, career progression and retention2.5. Promote initiatives to support the career progression of the underrepresented gender in high and top positions Reviewing career progression criteria to avoid cases in which employment status of the underrepresented gender is considered a barrier for career progression. e.g. fixed-term positions, part-time contract or career breaks – common characteristic of women’s career paths
KA2 - Recruitment, career progression and retention2.5. Promote initiatives to support the career progression of the underrepresented gender in high and top positions Encouraging women to participate in management positions (e.g. through seminars, lettlers, mentoring, individual meetings…)
KA2 - Recruitment, career progression and retention2.5. Promote initiatives to support the career progression of the underrepresented gender in high and top positions Providing training and advice to women in STEMM to apply and write funding aplications
KA2 - Recruitment, career progression and retention2.6. Ensure a gender aware internal evaluation system Promoting rewards and incentive systems for gender equality and diversity efforts and results (such as, e.g. collegiality, PLOTINA prize, etc)
KA2 - Recruitment, career progression and retention2.6. Ensure a gender aware internal evaluation system Developing a collegiality indicator
KA2 - Recruitment, career progression and retention2.7. Ensure a wide pool of diverse applicants is reached in all vacant positions Implementing a wide communication policy for vacant positions, inside and outside
KA2 - Recruitment, career progression and retention2.7. Ensure a wide pool of diverse applicants is reached in all vacant positions Inclusive writing of job profiles in order to encourage/attract a diverse pool of candidates
KA2 - Recruitment, career progression and retention2.7. Ensure a wide pool of diverse applicants is reached in all vacant positions Creating a Handbook for Academic Hiring and Search Committee, to provide guidance on every phase of the search and hiring process in order to ensure fair and consistently applied practices
KA2 - Recruitment, career progression and retention2.7. Ensure a wide pool of diverse applicants is reached in all vacant positions Developing guidelines on how to write Letters of Recommendation - Helpful both to experienced faculty letter writers concerned about writing fair letters, and to new letter-writers who value some guidance in the process